Optimizing inpatient care HSS5301
IP settings:
IP EHRs are essential to quality of health care
What makes it difficult?
Number and complexity of IP orders
Acuity of IP problems
Complexity ofIP care teams
Phased implementation is attractive
- Minimal impact on workflow efficiency
Developing IP HER
- Define and agree on the primary goals:
n 1. For guiding project development
n 2. For evaluating project’s success and planning successive refinements
- Experience from Geisinger:
n Began by using OP HER
n Physicians and OP-clinic support staff became familiar with the HER before the hospitals’ nurses
n Proposed 3-phase implementation
u Facilitated information review
u Provider order entry and documentation
u Nursing documentation and medication admin.
Facilitated information review
- Presentation of clinical Ix organized into P lists
n To enable clinicians to review the P’s status in a single overview
u Status icons
u Patient list
- Analysis begins in the admission dep, since hospitals’ DT system is the source of patient lists.
n Review Ix created by the ADT system and how they could be presented to HER users
n Interview all types of clinicians and attended patient rounds.
u To identify the information needs
u To assess the tools that were in use to track P location.
n Review the HER S/W
u Look for the options available for P list organization and display Ix
Presentation of lab tests/results
- Organizes results into clinically meaningful groups
- Easy access of commonly used ordered test panels: eg. CBC, general chemistry
+Provider order entry and documentation
- Geisinger’s exp with OP HER phased implementation
n Request for merger and rapid implementation for both order entry and documentation
- Follow same approach for IP HER
n Provider order entry and documentation are implemented together.
Documentation: template notes
- Begin with those infrequently available in paper chart during P’s hsitap stay
- Start with general outline of master template before developing templates for specific Dx and Px
- Identify appropriate content
n Review P charts
n Review the templates
n Interviewing physicians
- Require validation by
n Clinicians
n Staff from medical records, billing and legal department
Documentation/ effifiency tools:
- Should be more effective to use (easier &faster) to use than writing or dictating
- Focus on the elements that affect decision making
n Hx, physical examination and Px
n Make ref to validated clinical prediction rules (CPRs)
- Provide answers to their usual state
- Time-saving
- Wildcards required (placed for adding free text) [since the form can’t anticipate the availbillty of all possible selections]
Ancillary docuemtnation for improved performance
- Orders and templates for documenting other important p-care actitivies in admission order sets like nutrition assessment, fall prevention, and documentation of advanced directives
Order entry:
- Most important efficiency tool for IP EHRs
- 500 order sets are typically recommended
- Users in focused domains that require numerous orders are heavy users, e.g. PAs(Physicians Assistant) working in orthopedic surgery
- Topics and contents of orders sets are typically defined b clinicians
Appropriate content for specific order sets can be identified by:
- Reviewing the paper order sets
- Interviewing clinicians
- Soliciting suggestions from the best practice recommendations like pharmacy, lab, infection control risk management, utilization management, billing etc.
- Review published sources like clinical practice guidelines, reports of clinical trials etc
Important factors of Order Sts
- Speed
- Simplicity, contributes to speed
- Users need help finding order sets
n Pattern matching v.s. hierarchies
- Users can order multiple needs at once
- Order sets require management after implementation:
n Content review and functional review
Provider order entry and documentation
Order management:
- entered orders must be transmitted with appropriate urgency to providers (nurses and consultants), and ht eancillary departments (e.g. laboratory, radiology)
- the exact status of the order should be readily available, saving time to locate Ix on the status of orders
- digital pagin improve order reporting speed but depends on
n development by enterprise ER vendors
n Effectiveness of expensive paging equipment upgrades,
Verbal orders
- EHRs decrease the need for vebal orders
n Physicians can enter orders personally’s inbacket for signature and automatically report to designed manegers if orders are not signed within 24 hours
Patient education
- 20% of patient discharged from a large teaching hospital suffered a care-realated adverse event following discharge [Forster et al.]
n 2/3 could be prevented or minimized by better communication.
- HER enables hospitals to provide patients with standardized discharge instructions
n Include potential adverse effects of care and contact information in lay languages
Cliician feedback
- the success of inpatient EHRs rely on full involvement of physicians and clincians in every phase of the implementation
n face-to-face multidisciplinary feedback team
- Go-alive support for IP EHRs
n Provide training on all 3 shifts
n 24x7 for 2 to 5 days past go-alive
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